Japanese Calligraphy Showa Yellow Dragon(和风书道昭和黄龙)

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Japanese Calligraphy Showa Yellow Dragon

Character Map

Japanese Calligraphy Showa Yellow Dragon Character Map

Font Details

Font Name: Japanese Calligraphy Showa Yellow Dragon(和风书道昭和黄龙)
File Size: 5.81MB
Font Categories: Xingkai, running script
Font Encodings:
Font Languages: Chinese Simplified
Designer Name:
Published Year:
License: Unknown

Hefeng Calligraphy Showa and Huanglong is a font with fresh and elegant shapes, and the hair between the strokes seems to have entered a slightly drunk state.The priority and thickness of the brush and ink lines are strongly contrasted. The weight of the characters is concentrated on a few strokes, emphasizing the performance, while other strokes are slender and soft.The folded strokes of each character can be treated with pause strokes or round strokes, with rich details and many changes.The text is wide, the center is consistent, and the vision is uniform

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