Founder handwriting - self-improvement Wei Kai style(方正字迹-自强魏楷体)

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Founder handwriting - self-improvement Wei Kai style

Font Details

Font Name: Founder handwriting - self-improvement Wei Kai style(方正字迹-自强魏楷体)
File Size: 7.64MB
Font Categories: writing brush
Font Encodings: Mainland Simplified (GB2312-80)
Font Languages: Chinese Simplified
Designer Name: 盛自强
Published Year: 2018
License: Free

Rigorous structure, outside square and inside circle.The basic feature of calligraphy in the Northern Wei Dynasty is: "strong and beautiful, capable of carrying a tripod".However, in the whole system, there are many changes in the structure and the use of the brush, which is difficult to unify. The "rigorous structure" of the new Wei style leads to the simple use of the brush and the uniform thickness of the lines, thus reducing the artistic element of traditional calligraphy.In the long-term practice, the author has tried to write a font that not only retains the characteristics of Beibei's "circle on the outside, dignified and generous", but also reflects a strong writing personality. "The changes in the above can also express the author's "thoughts and emotions", which better conveys the artistic attributes of seal script in Wei Bei's calligraphy.This is the purpose of Founder Handwriting - Self-improvement Wei Kai Style.

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